Chapter four was about designing lessons and developing curriculum with technology. At the very beginning it give a great example of how technology can help in just picking out a topic to teach, the internet give a large selection of curriculum resources and information. From internet search engines to resources and information, electronic databases, online encyclopedias, blogs, and wikis. These are great ways to tie technology into teaching, and allows the students to have gain great information.
Electronic grading software is becoming more and more popular in our world today. This system is for virtual record-keeping, with this a teacher can calculate and record the student grades all on the computer. The book provides some good advantages to this system, such as, the efficiency to calculate and store numerous amounts of students work. Electronic grading also comes in handy when you don't have a lot of time, I can only imagine the time crunch a teacher would have, this is why this system would be beneficial to a teacher, it is a very easy and quick way of storing and grading the work the students have done. However, with every good thing there are some cons, like it talks about in the book " the academic performance of young learners is more nuanced than test assessments fully measure." (2013, Maloy) This is the main reason i'm against electronic grading systems, because I want to teach at a elementary level, this system would not be something I would use on a daily basis. If my students were to take a test, work hard to learn about the required information, I would feel like there was a responsibility to me as a teacher to go through their work and grade it myself. When doing so, If a student were to get something so wrong and be totally off track, instead of just grading it wrong, you could go over that problem with the student, see where they got confused and help them get through it.
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Electronic gradebooks can provide options for both the standard test grades as well as more creative assessments graded by the teacher, so they can be customized to create that balance. Part of the challenge is working with the software to see how robust it is and what can and cannot be accommodated, so don't give up yet! Missing the third concept and created digital tool. :(