Chapter twelve is all about integrating technology and creating change as teacher leaders. The book defines inclusion as computers and information technologies that are mainly used for transferring information and practicing skills. This is not something that is used on a daily basis, and is something that would be scheduled maybe once a week for a certain amount of time. Infusion is technically the opposite, computers and other informational technologies are used more often in the classroom, with teaching and learning in all grade levels. The range of computers that can either be in a classroom are a couple to just one. Sine this is more of a day-to-day thing, the hope is that the students will learn how to search things for research, use word processing and game-based learning activities. Overall the teacher has the control over to choose how much to incorporate technology and how it will be used in the classroom.
Cooperative learning and group-work, this is something that i've learned a lot about through this course. And with technology it is made even easier! This past week in we were asked to make lesson plans and in my group we were all very busy and were only able to meet twice. Since we were limited with the amount of times we could meet we connected and worked on the project cooperatively through GoogleDocs. This is a site where we all share the same word document on different devices, this way we could all work on the project at our own times and also be able to see what the other members of the group are doing, or have done.
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
So good to hear you took advantage of using Google Docs for your collaborative lesson plan writing. The more you and others use these tools, the better you will get at it and it will become very natural. Nice job on getting a Prezi done, too!