Continuing on the topic of communication, as a college student I look forward to my professors feedback on my work done, it helps me know what I have done right and wrong then find out what I need to work on to make the next time one-hundred percent. So as a soon to be teacher I find it very important to provide quick feedback to the students. "When feedback happens rapidly and thoughtfully, writers and readers both benefit." (Maloy, 2013) I feel like giving feedback to other benefits not only them but the person who's giving feedback as well. It helps you critically think about the assignment and you will also learn from the mistakes made.
I find it so amazing how with technology it is made possible to teach beyond the classroom. With the limited time a teacher has in the day to actually teach, this asset is great to have. Reading in the book it talks about how you can keep up the communication through a blog or a teacher website, where you would be able to post homework, question, writing ideas, web links for more research, and suggestions for further reading.
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Nice job! Communication is vital in our networked society and using every and all types is sometimes necessary. It does still come back to the basic three: sender, message and receiver. If there's ever a way to best communicate, it certainly has multiple opportunities these days. I don't see your Linoit digital tool that you referenced in our earlier communication?!?