Thursday, October 1, 2015

Blog Post E. Chapter 7.

Early on in the chapter, it discusses problem solving and inquiry learning with technology. From my reading I thought it made valid points when it talked about how we can use those things in the real world, day to day lives that will engage the students. The book gives an example of how in a history class you would have your students, look up government documents, census data, and news stories to classify the cause and reaction to the event in History. I think when a teacher creates activities that ties into the real-world it makes it a lot easier for the students to relate and be motivated to continue in the work required for them. For example, in Algebra, I never saw the point in it, why would we waste our time on something we will never use? Even though I still see little need for it, during the time I took algebra, I had a fantastic teacher, she always gave us problems that related to the things we might do, such as shopping, and with the connection of real life things it made it a lot easier and less dreadful to do the work.

There are a considerable amount of softwares out there, one I found to be interesting is called Kidspiration which is made just for elementary school students, there are other grade software for this subject but I chose to look further into this one. "This software includes graphs, symbols, charts, voice, and other organizing devices that are catalysts for creative self-expression by students" (Maloy, 2013). Sometimes its harder for a student to come up with something out of nowhere, for me it is easiest to start on a computer, and that is the hope for this program.  Kidspiration has a liner writing mode, a chart- and graph-making mode, and a money-counting mode, with these tools it is supposedly making it easier for the student to brainstorm, and think creatively.

I found it interesting, when reading on the strategies for using games with students. As a soon to be teacher I am excited to incorporate technology games in my classroom, but with my excitement I also have concern. I often worry about if I can control my classroom and trust my elementary aged students, with this task, I found this information to be very helpful.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. I like Kidspiration and the original version, Inspiration, for the ability to visualize and organize new content. I think you will find that incorporating technology in the classroom is less about technology and more about management. Some have complained that students can't handle using tech without being disruptive, but I would argue that has more to do with the overall classroom management than the technology. I'm sure you will find your way regarding this issue.
    I wasn't sure about the "play games" graphic - did you create that? If so, where is the citation? Which program did you use?
