Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog Post I. Chapter 6.

Chapter six was filled with great information, it was crazy to see how it related to what we have been learning through the semester and just this past week. One thing that we have been using this semester is a social Bookmarking, we are using a site called Delicious this has become one of my favorite tools to use. I am big on writing things down to save them, but I often lose them because of the amount of books and scraps of paper I write them on, this tool allows me to bookmark all of the websites I may need to go back to, without losing them. And with social bookmarking you are able to also find other sties that are saved through tags that other teachers may have posted. This is probably my favorite tool because this is a social thing, you often find other great sites to use, from other educators.

Felt flower bookmark. By Teresa DownUnder. Uploaded on October 5th, 2014

WebQuest is what our assignment was this week. The definition of a WebQuest is an inquiry - oriented activity in which some or all of the information that students interact with comes from resources on the internet. The WebQuest I created this week was directed towards second graders, they were asked to chose a State, from a recourse provided, then draw out the State chosen, then with further searching they were instructed to find the State bird, flower, and flag, along with three fun fact they found on their own. At the end of the three days given to them for this Quest they will show their drawing to the classmates and share the three fun facts they discovered. The book has described as an online tour, I also think of it as a scavenger hunt.

Direction, By Ram Karthik, taken on September, 19th 2009 

Videoconferencing, is a new concept for me. I am familiar with Skype, and FaceTime, they are both a great way to communicate with someone. I usually kept the conversations on these communication tools strictly for socialization. Although that is what this is for, I never thought about using it for an educational use. I think that using this for online classes could give a similar experience for the involved and interested feeling between student and teacher.
VideoConferencing works for dogs, too. By Amber Case. Taken on February 26th 2010 

VideoConferencing works for dogs, too. By Amber Case. Taken on February 26th 2010 

Direction, By Ram Karthik, taken on September, 19th 2009 

Felt flower bookmark. By Teresa DownUnder. Uploaded on October 5th, 2014

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Love how you tied your reflective writing to your current learning and experiences with the content in class assignments (and look forward to reading your WebQuest, too!). Also glad to hear you are capitalizing on Delicious - it (and its counterparts) are pretty amazing - I use mine daily. :) I love the images, but there is no hyperlink on the attribution which is expected....also missing digital tool creation. :(
